The 3 ways Ben Simmons can become the best player in the world


Even at the ripe old age of 36, most people in and around the NBA agree that LeBron James is still the best player in the NBA. He has rightfully held that title for the past decade and there is no doubt that he is at least the 2nd greatest player in basketball’s illustrious history.

Even though it is remarkable how well LeBron has aged, there will sadly come a point where he is no longer in the NBA. Father Time is and always will be undefeated. The question then arises; who will be the best player in the world after LeBron retires?

There are many players in the NBA who could potentially hold the title of best in the NBA. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Anthony Davis and Luka Doncic are a few of the biggest names that spring to mind, but I think that it could be Ben Simmons who takes the crown.

Right now he needs to do a lot of work if he is to reach his potential, and here’s what needs to be done.


The most important thing for Simmons to do right now is to up his outside game. Right now he is a terrible outside-shooter and for someone who handles the ball a lot, this is just simply not good enough. 

Defenders regularly leave Simmons wide-open on the perimeter because they know that he can’t hit those shots. He needs to dedicate a lot of time to just catching and shooting from the outside so he becomes a lot more comfortable with his form.

If Simmons can start hitting around 37% of his 3s, he will become a much deadlier scorer. He will have the total package offensively and he could easily average 25 PPG. This is something he can achieve if he is prepared to put in the work.

His free-throw shooting is also something that needs a lot of work. Right now he’s only hitting 61.3% of his free-throws. This significantly reduces his effectiveness as opposing defenders will be more than happy to foul him knowing there’s a high probability Simmons doesn’t make both from the foul-line.

Again this is solved by putting in the hours at the line, again and again until his percentage increases. If he can get his foul-shooting to around 80% that will be more points for him and his team, and make him more of a threat on the offensive end.


One of LeBron’s best qualities is that he is an amazing leader, the best in the NBA. He knows how to get the best from his teammates and everyone around him always buys into what he wants to do.

This does come from his vast playing experience, but Simmons can study what LeBron has done over his career and replicate it. LeBron often talks about the ‘Brotherhood’ of the NBA; the special bond the players have with one another. LeBron knows how to connect with his fellow athletes and he’s is always spoken of in the highest regards by other players.

Simmons needs to tap into this if he is to reach the next level. Develop relationships with other players, lead by example, be the first to practice and the last to leave. If he does these things consistently they will be noticed by other players and coaches and that will lead to more respect coming Simmons’s way.


Right now Ben Simmons is not the best player for the 76ers; Joel Embiid is. The towering center is averaging 26.5 points and 12.3 rebounds through 4 games and has always averaged at least 20 PPG in every season he’s played.

Embiid is an immensely skilled player, but due to the nature of the game, he cannot be Philly’s best player if they are to succeed. The last 9 Finals MVPs have all been primary ball-handlers for their team because you are at a big disadvantage if you have to rely on other players to make decisions like centers have to.

Simmons needs to discover this and then realise that he needs to assert himself as the 76er’s best player if they are to win at the highest level. This means looking for his shot more, telling coach to run plays for him and making sure that he always has the ball in transition.

LeBron has always been the best player on whatever team he’s on, the same cannot be said for Simmons…yet.

Simmons has the talent and skill to take the next step from perennial All-Star to all-time great, it’s now up to him to put in the work.